What is smoker’s palate?
smoker’s palate is a diffuse white patch on the hard palate, usually caused by tobacco smoking, usually pipe or cigar smoking.
Is smoker’s palate painful?
No, it is not painful. It is painless.
What is the cause of smoker’s palate?
It is caused by a response of the palatal oral mucosa to chronic heat as a result of smoking.
Smoker’s palate, is it premalignant?
Smoker’s palate is seen especially among heavy pipesmokers and is asymptomatic and not premalignant. It disappears after cessation of smoking habit.
What is stomatitis nicotina?
Smoker’s palate is otherwise called as stomatitis nicotina.
What is reverse smoking?
Reverse smoking is smoking with the lighted end inside the mouth.
Reverse smoking, is it more dangerous?
Yes, it is more dangerous. Chances of cancer is more .
A more pronounced appearance can occur with reverse smoking, sometimes distinguished from stomatitis nicotina by the term reverse smoker’s keratosis.
While stomatitis nicotina that is caused by heat is not a premaligant condition (i.e. it does not carry an increased risk of transformation to oral cancer), the condition that is caused by reverse smoking is premalignant.
How can we differentiate between reactionary keratotis and true leukoplakia which is a precancerous condition?
If the lesion in mouth or palate persists despite stopping smoking, this is usually then considered to be a true leukoplakia rather than a reactionary keratotis, and may trigger the decision to carry out a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis.