Vestibular Hypofunction: Symptoms and Therapy
Inner ear in coordination with the eyes and muscles of our body controls the posture and motion. Any derangement of the inner ear is called vestibular hypofunction that causes postural instability.
Inner ear in coordination with the eyes and muscles of our body controls the posture and motion. Any derangement of the inner ear is called vestibular hypofunction that causes postural instability.
An individual suffering from night blindness would find it difficult to watch a movie, or spot stars in sky. It is the effect of Vitamin A deficiency and it is reversible and preventable.
A red eye is a cardinal sign of ocular inflammation, which can result from various conditions. Drugs and alcohol can also dilate blood vessels and cause inflammation by making the eyes look red.
Eyes are a very important part of healthy life. Every person is using the eye to see and make sense of the world around them. But some eye diseases can affect vision
Cataract surgical treatment is the elimination of the lens interior the attention after it has end up cloudy because of aging, an eye fixed harm or different causes.