What Is Fibromyalgia & Its Effects On Life?

What is fibromyalgia?
Fibromyalgia is a long term chronic illness which affects the muscle by causing pain in muscles, bone joints pain which causes fatigue. This pain is not constant, the cause is unknown. There is also no specific cure such as lifestyle modifications, medications, and therapies. It is a common rheumatologic syndrome where you experience heightened pain sensitivity. In addition, you may have fatigue, sleep disturbance, and other symptoms as a result of dysregulation of neurophysiologic function.
Who might get this problem?
Fibromyalgia can affect anyone , it can also affect children. The ratio is 2: 1 women are affected twice than the men. Normally the symptoms start from middle age .Normal ratio of 20 % of patients will also have other diseases associated with fibromyalgia such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.
Important causes
Until now the medical experts didn’t find out why people develop fibromyalgia . In some conditions can trigger the fibromyalgia ,they are
- Stressful life such as previous history of trauma, abuse
- Illness or infections
- Lack of sleep
- Poor diet
- No exercise
- Fear
- depression
What are the symptoms of fibromyalgia?
Fibromyalgia is a condition which causes pain in the muscle areas and joints. This may induce fatigue and disturbed sleep patterns. These symptoms vary from person to person . Along with this you will experience some symptoms they are :
- Headaches (migraine)
- Losing memory
- Tingling sensation
- Ringing in ears
- Pain in face and jaw
- Changes in bowel movements such as diarrhea or constipation
- Anxiety
- Depression
What triggers an attack?
There are no exact triggers which induces this condition , sometimes due to increase in stress levels it may increase. These includes :
- No constant daily routines, it changes frequently
- No proper diet
- Rise in hormonal levels
- Sleep disoriented
- Stress
- Certain treatments
- Due to changes in working shift which cause changes in sleep patterns
- Climate changes
How is fibromyalgia diagnosed?
As per now there is now exact diagnostic test to determine the fibromyalgia. The diagnosis of fibromyalgia is based on a physical exam and symptoms. Normal blood tests are recommended to other underlying factors such as thyroid, low HB. In fibromyalgia family history plays an important role along with the existing symptoms.
People who suffer are prone to pain sensitivity which bothers most of the population. Your healthcare provider may assess the pain tender points where your body are highly touch sensitive points. Usually the pain should at least last for 3 months continuously along with symptoms of fatigue and pain which can also include concentration issues.
There is a cure for this condition. It can only be treated according to the existing symptoms , they are :
- Lifestyle modifications
- Medical therapies
- People with stress and depression antidepressants are recommended
- Sleep patterns are improved
- Painkillers
- Exercises for managing stress

Lifestyle Modifications
Stress Management | Cognitive behavioral therapy, relaxation training, group therapy, and biofeedback |
Exercise | walking, jogging or sports |
Alternative Therapies | Chinese herbal medications, Chinese herbal tea, acupuncture, Tai-chi |
What are the complications?
Fibromyalgia is not a life threatening condition but it affects the muscles and bones by causing un tolerable pain and fatigue. If it is left untreated it affects the everyday activities and makes things impossible and hard to do .
How can I prevent it?
There are studies on fibromyalgia , but the cause is not known. We can control our symptoms and take prevention steps to resolve this , they are :
- Managing the stress
- Healthy diet
- Proper sleep
- Manage a healthy weight with proper diet
- Arthritis management
- Regular exercise
What is the prognosis for people with fibromyalgia?
Prognosis of fibromyalgia is not so bad , it can be treated or managed with over the counter medications, lifestyle modifications so that the symptoms are eased and patients are resumed to their day to day activities. The symptoms or the pain get worse during the stressful days. Most people experience chronic pain which makes the patient unable to do any work.
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